In a world abundant with resources, it’s a stark reality that millions go to bed hungry every night. Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA) believes in the inherent dignity of every human being, and that includes access to nutritious food. That’s why food security is a cornerstone of its humanitarian efforts. 

As many as 829 million people experience hunger globally—that’s nearly 10% of the global population. This staggering number represents not just statistics but real lives, real families, and real suffering. It’s a crisis that demands urgent attention and action.  

The impact of global hunger 

Despite the world producing more than enough food to feed its population, millions still experience hunger every day. This crisis not only affects individuals’ health and well-being, but also hinders the development and stability of entire communities and nations. 

Hunger is not just about a lack of food; it’s also about poverty, inequality, and access to resources. In many cases, those who suffer the most from hunger are also the most marginalized and vulnerable members of society: children, women, the elderly, and people living in conflict-affected or impoverished regions. 

Islamic Relief’s anti-hunger food programs 

IRUSA believes that providing food to those in need is not just about addressing hunger in the short term, but also about creating sustainable solutions to poverty and food insecurity. Through various food programs, IRUSA and Islamic Relief Worldwide strive to make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and communities around the world. Here’s a glimpse into some key initiatives: 

  • Ramadan food program—During the holy month of Ramadan, a special IRUSA food program aims to complement ongoing projects focused on improving the quality of life for people in need. This program not only addresses immediate hunger, but also embodies the spirit of generosity and compassion that defines Ramadan. 
  • Qurbani/Udhiyah—IRUSA’s Qurbani/Udhiyah program is one of its largest food-sharing initiatives, providing meat to those who may not have the opportunity to enjoy it otherwise. In 2023, IRUSA shared Qurbani/Udhiyah with 371,849 individuals in 27 countries, ensuring that they could celebrate Eid al-Adha with dignity and joy.  
  • Hot meals—IRUSA’s Hot Meals program is tackling food insecurity in major urban cities across the United States. With donors’ support, the organization is able to provide nutritious meals to vulnerable groups and communities affected by poverty.  
  • Summer food service program—Food insecurity doesn’t take a break, even during the summer months when children are out of school. That’s why IRUSA supports the USDA’s Summer Food Service Program, which provides meals to children in need during their summer break. In 2023, IRUSA served 51,000 individuals with healthy, balanced meals across seven states. 
  • Holiday food distribution—During the holidays, IRUSA continues its efforts to give the gift of food to those in need. Initiatives such as turkey distributions and MLK Day of Service are opportunities to spread warmth and joy to families facing food insecurity during the holiday season. 

The emergency hunger situation in Palestine 

One of the most urgent hunger crises IRUSA is currently addressing is in Palestine, where ongoing conflict has left millions of men, women, and children food insecure. In Gaza alone, nearly 1.6 million individuals are struggling to afford basic necessities, including food. United Nations officials are warning of impending famine.  

IRUSA’s partners are on the ground, providing emergency food assistance, hygiene kits, mobile healthcare units, and medical supplies to vulnerable communities. However, the need is vast. Many lives hang in the balance. With support from donors, IRUSA can help its partners on the ground in Palestine reach more people affected by hunger and provide them with the food and resources that they need to survive. 

Make an impact: Ways you can help feed the hungry  

  • Donate—Your financial support allows IRUSA to continue life-saving work and reach more people affected by hunger. Even a small donation can make a big difference in someone’s life. 
  • Volunteer—If you have the time and skills to spare, consider volunteering with IRUSA. Whether it’s packing food parcels, organizing fundraising events, or raising awareness in your community, your efforts can help us make a greater impact. 
  • Spread awareness—Use your voice to raise awareness about hunger and food insecurity. Share stories on social media, host educational events, or reach out to your network to encourage others to join you in support.  
  • Advocate—Advocate for policies and programs that address the root causes of hunger, both domestically and internationally. Write to your elected representatives, participate in advocacy campaigns, and support initiatives that prioritize food security and nutrition. 

Why Ramadan is the perfect time of year to give back

During the month of Ramadan, IRUSA donates thousands of food boxes to families in need. In 2023 alone, more than 337,358 individuals in 29 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa received food aid. 

Ramadan is not only about fasting and prayer; it’s also about charity fueled by faith. Remember to give back to those in need during this month of reflection and reverence. 

IRUSA believes everyone deserves access to nutritious food, regardless of their circumstances. With your support, the organization can continue to make a difference in the lives of individuals and communities around the world. Together, let’s work towards a future where hunger is a thing of the past.